
I have spent countless hours in bars and on the phone trying to explain to people what Bitcoin is, how it works, and most importantly at the moment, how to get some.

This site exists as a one stop shop for all things Bitcoin, especially if you are just getting started or are thinking about getting started.

I am in no way affiliated with Bitcoin as a whole nor am I affiliated with any of the companies that I will be mentioning on this site. I will just offer up my experience as a person who has been mining Bitcoin since it first started in 2009. That means that at times I will sing the praises of a certain company or person and at times I’ll tell you why I think you should avoid a certain company or person, but I assure you no one is giving me any money to say what I’m saying.

I will be adding content to this site in my spare time and appreciate any donations, my send to address is in the footer. If you’ve just got your first taste of Bitcoin and I helped, send a Satoshi (0.00000001 ฿) or maybe a bit more just to see how transferring coins works 😉